26 June 2012
Alice Day, Oxford - July 7th, 2012.
No prizes for guessing where this is. It's Tom Tower, and Lewis Carroll's rooms were for many years just to the right of it, slightly out of the picture. (He must have been deafened by the bells, I always think)
The 150th anniversary of the telling of Alice in Wonderland is on July 4 2012, but the main celebrations will take place on Alice's Day, Oxford's annual Wonderland-fest. Many of the activities are aimed at families, so if you live anywhere near Oxford, do take a look at the Lewis Carroll Society's Events Page . Many Oxford institutions, such as Blackwells, the Ashmolean Museum and the Museum of Oxford and the Museum of the HIstory of Science are organising special events.
There really are too many things to list in detail, but I like the idea of the many walks that are scheduled. (click the link for more details). Lewis Carroll was an indefatigable walker, and even at the end of his life, in his sixties, he was taking long walks of over twenty miles at great speed!
I can particularly recommend Mark Davies, an expert on Oxford's waterways, with his "Alice in Waterrland" talk. Below is the view out of Mark's boat, as I took a trip down the river in September 2009 to Godstow
If you want to see what the trip was like, click this link. It was a most delightful experience.