30 July 2009
Let me know when the publication date is, I can give it a mention on my blog. I'll let you know if I think of anything.
12 August 2009 16:09
Richard_Lionheart wrote:
Don't get too wet while you're thinking. (Isn't that a mac?)
Or you can check out http://amarketingexpert.com...
Or you can check out http://amarketingexpert.com...
12 August 2009 16:26
Mo wrote:
Sleep on it. I'm sure it will come. Love your thinking image.
13 August 2009 11:24
NeVaR MiNd wrote:
You can go to Yahoo answers and type "how to promote my new book" or something... there are some nice tips.
15 August 2009 23:59
cohenkidl wrote:
Praps involve a charity he supported
17 August 2009 12:41
jennywoolf wrote:
Lisa McMann, whose genius for publicity helped propel her into the NY Times best selling lists, kindly gave me some advice, having looked at this site. She came up with some ideas that are both clever and also obvious (if you're clever - not obvious to those who are not so clever). I'm looking forward to reading her book WAKE which comes out here in October. Take a look at her site http://lisamcmann.com and you can see it's not just publicity that has made her book a success, but a fantastic concept too.
18 August 2009 13:39